Support us

It costs over £14 million a year to maintain the Abbey, and we don’t receive any funding from the Church, the Crown, or the Government. Worship and prayer is always free, and visitor entry fees cover only our basic running costs and some essential maintenance.

Make a donation

Your support protects the Abbey buildings and our collections, our music and education programmes, and the Abbey’s rich tradition of worship and prayer.

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Heritage Preservation Appeal

Heritage Preservation Appeal

You might find it strange to see an urgent appeal for funding from Westminster Abbey. We are a Royal Peculiar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the place of coronations and royal weddings.

How can a church like this be in need?

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Audience members share a joke prior to a lecture in the nave of Westminster Abbey

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Stained glass windows depicting the Nativity designed by Alan Younger, Henry VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey

Leave a legacy

Leaving us a gift in your Will can help sustain the Abbey for future generations. Even a small legacy can make a big difference.

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Memorial window to Walter H. Annenberg, USA Ambassador to the UK, 1969-1974

American donors

If you’re a US taxpayer, you can donate tax efficiently to the American Fund for Westminster Abbey (AFWA).

Donate via AFWA

Contact us

Have a question about supporting the Abbey? We’d love to hear from you. Here’s how you can get in touch:

Westminster Abbey Foundation
20 Dean’s Yard
London SW1P 3PA

020 7654 4961

Who we are

Valerie Humphrey, Director - Westminster Abbey Foundation

Megan Huntly, Development Co-ordinator

Lucy Henzell-Thomas, Trusts & Grants Fundraiser

Volunteer for us

We’re always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help at the Abbey. Interested in joining our team? We’d love to hear from you.

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