Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Visiting during Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This page details when and how you can currently visit the Abbey as well as information about when we will be opening up the Abbey further following the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions.

You can also find about what Coronavirus guidelines and measures we have in place to keep all staff, visitors and worshipers as safe as possible.

How to visit us now


The Abbey remains open for worship and you are welcome to join us at our daily services. We are also open for individual prayer from 10:30am - 12:30pm, Monday to Saturday. However, for the time being we are unable to open the Abbey and St Margaret's Church for general visiting.

The services we are currently running are:

  • Morning Prayer
  • Holy Communion
  • Sung Eucharist
  • Evensong

Due to social distancing measures, we may not be able to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment.

You can find out what services are currently scheduled by visiting the services and times page.


You can visit the Abbey again on selected days from Friday 21st May. The dates and times you can visit us are:



Friday 21st May: 12:00pm - 1:00pm 
Saturday 22nd May: 10:00am - 1:00pm 
Friday 28th May: 10:00am - 1:00pm 
Saturday 29th May: 10:00am - 1:00pm 
Monday 31st May: 10:00am - 1:00pm 


Friday 4th June: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday 5th June: 10:00am - 1:00pm 
Monday 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th: 09:30am - 3.30pm
Tuesday 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th: 09:30am - 3.30pm 
Friday 11th, 18th, 25th: 09:30am - 3.30pm 
Saturday 12th, 19th, 26th: 09:00am - 3:00pm 


Areas that are closed

While we have social distancing in place, the following areas are closed to visitors:

  • All the ambulatory side chapels
  • Elizabeth I and Mary Tudor tombs
  • Mary Queen of Scots tomb
  • The Galleries (opening in July)

How to visit us in the future

Worship and prayer

We are open for individual prayer from 10:30am - 12:30pm, Monday to Saturday.

We are also open for regular services, such as Morning Prayer, Sung Eucharist and Holy Communion. Find out about our current services, when they take place and if you need to book a ticket.

Visiting us

We will be open on selected days. See the 'How to visit us now' section above regarding opening times and how to book tickets.

Worship and prayer

We hope to reintroduce a full schedule of worship and prayer, and we hope to make more use of our choristers and Lay Vicars in choral services.

Visiting us

There will be more visit times available across the four days we are open (Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday), subject to demand. See the 'How to visit us now' section above regarding opening times and how to book tickets.

Shop, kiosk and restaurant

The shop and kiosk will open in line with Abbey opening times.

The Cellarium Restaurant will also reopen, if possible.

Following the planned lifting of formal social distancing rule, we will review any relevant guidelines and determine our own policy to ensure worshipper, visitor and staff safety.

This could mean that we can reopen the side chapels, welcome larger groups and accommodate significantly more people at services.

Visiting us

We would look to return to welcoming visitors six days a week, including after-hour late visits in the summer. Dates for July and later in the year will be announce din due course. 

Shop, kiosk and restaurant

The Shop and Restaurant will be open in line with visitor and worshipper opening times

Visiting and worshipping safely

When you're in the Abbey, please follow the instructions of our staff and take note of the signs. For your safety, there is a one-way route through the Abbey.

We ask that you watch our video before you visit us.

Stay safe when you visit us

Stay safe when you visit us

play button Play video
Stay safe when you visit us (BSL version)

Stay safe when you visit us (BSL version)

play button Play video
When you’re in the Abbey

When you’re in the Abbey

  • Please ensure that you keep two metres apart from others at all times. We have socially distanced chairing available if you wish to sit down.
  • Keep your hands clean. A hand cleansing station is available as you enter and exit.
  • If you feel more comfortable doing so, wear a mask if you can.
  • If you need assistance during your visit, please speak to our staff who will be happy to help you.
  • When you're visiting the Abbey Shop, please note that from Friday 24th July it will be mandatory to wear a face covering. Please remember to bring your own mask and wear it whilst shopping.
Things you need to know

Things you need to know

  • Anyone is welcome to the Abbey but please don’t visit us if you have the symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Follow the guidance on the NHS website if you think you may be unwell.
  • In line with the Government's COVID-19 Test and Trace programme, contact details for all visitors and service attendees will be taken and held on file for a period of 21 days. Attendee details will only be used, if necessary, in conjunction with the Test and Trace programme and Westminster Abbey will not process this data for any other purpose.

Attending a service

At this time, we are asking our congregations to adhere to social distancing measures in the church. We are also limiting the number of people who can attend our services. To avoid disappointment, please arrive well before the advertised start time. Please note that you will need to book tickets for some of our Sunday services.

Worship with us

Service times

September 2024
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
 1   2   3   4   5   6   7 
 8   9  10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
Thursday, 19th September 2024
Services on this day are yet to be published. Please check back later, or see our Regular Services page.


We're Good to Go

We've been awarded Visit England's official kite mark to show that we're following Government and industry COVID-19 guidelines and have a process in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing.

We've also been awarded the World Travel and Tourism Council's Safe Travels stamp to show that we are a COVID-safe venue.