Our mission and values

At Westminster Abbey, we see ourselves as a living symbol of faith at the heart of the nation. Our main purpose is to be a working inclusive church.

Christ's hand holding a globe of the world

Our mission

  • To serve Almighty God by offering divine Worship daily and publicly;
  • To serve the Sovereign by daily prayer and by a ready response to requests made by or on behalf of His Majesty;
  • To serve the nation by celebrating the distinctive witness of the Christian faith; by upholding the place of religious faith within national life; and by active engagement with Parliament, Whitehall and others in positions of public service;
  • To serve all pilgrims and visitors to the Abbey, and to maintain a tradition of hospitality.

Our values

As one we serve each other, our visitors and the wider world in all that do with:

  • Truthfulness
  • Integrity
  • Empathy
  • Excellence

Download our mission and values (PDF, 10.7MB)


Dean & Chapter is the overall governing body of the Abbey but there is also an Abbey Board that takes responsibility for setting strategies for the Abbey and overseeing their implementation.

Annual reports

Each year, the Dean and Chapter of Westminster offers the reigning monarch, as the Abbey’s Visitor, our annual report on the fulfilment of the mission of the Collegiate Church of St Peter in Westminster.

Latest report

The 2021 Report of the Dean and Chapter to The Visitor Her Majesty The Queen (PDF, 5.2MB)

The chapters within the report are:

  • The Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle
  • Serving Almighty God and the Sovereign
  • Serving the nation
  • Serving pilgrims and visitors
  • Care of the Abbey collection and fabric
  • Financial performance and risk management Management of the Abbey
  • Members of Chapter, Officers & Advisers
  • Westminster Abbey Annual Accounts
  • Independent Auditor’s Report

Previous reports

The 2020 Report of the Dean and Chapter to The Visitor Her Majesty The Queen (PDF, 3.9MB)

The 2019 Report of the Dean and Chapter to The Visitor Her Majesty The Queen (PDF, 5.2MB)

The 2018 Report of the Dean and Chapter to The Visitor Her Majesty The Queen (PDF, 1.8MB)

The 2017 Report of the Dean and Chapter to The Visitor Her Majesty The Queen (PDF, 3.5MB)

The 2016 Report of the Dean and Chapter to The Visitor Her Majesty The Queen (PDF, 3.6MB)

The 2015 Report of the Dean and Chapter to The Visitor Her Majesty The Queen (PDF, 2.5MB)

The 2014 Report of the Dean and Chapter to The Visitor Her Majesty The Queen (PDF, 2.5MB)

The 2013 Report of the Dean and Chapter to The Visitor Her Majesty The Queen (PDF, 7.5MB)