Westminster Dragoons

On the west wall of St George's chapel in Westminster Abbey is a framed guidon of the Westminster Dragoons. This embroidered flag includes battle honours from the time of the South African War in 1902 to the Great War 1914-1918 (Scimitar Hill, Suez Canal, Gaza, Courtrai, Suvla, Gallipoli, Egypt, Jerusalem and Palestine). Around the central panel are the words "County of London Yeomanry" and a small plaque at the top of the frame reads:

At a service on the 25th day of November 1961 this guidon of the Westminster Dragoons, presented to the regiment by King Edward VII in a ceremony at Windsor in 1909, was handed to the Dean of Westminster by the Honorary Colonel, General Sir Harold E. Pyman K.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O. for laying up in the care of the Dean and Chapter.

A second guidon, including Second World War honours, was laid up on 7th February 2019 and is framed on the east wall of the chapel.




St George's Chapel

Framed maroon-coloured military flag, fringed with gold, in a frame mounted on the wall
Westminster Dragoons older guidon

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster