Appointment of a new Deputy Receiver General and Director of Finance

Wednesday, 4th November 2015

Appointment of a new Deputy Receiver General and Director of Finance

Westminster Abbey is very pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Curtis Juman, currently Chief Resources Officer at the Equality and Human Rights Commission, to the post of Deputy Receiver General and Director of Finance in succession to Mr Stuart Bailey, who retired in September.

Curtis is a Chartered Accountant and has long experience in government service of managing complex organisations. He will take up his post at the beginning of January.

The Receiver General, Sir Stephen Lamport, said:

I am delighted at the appointment of Curtis. He will bring a wide range of relevant experience to this important and senior role. I look forward very much to working with him.

The Dean of Westminster, the Very Revd. Dr John Hall, said:

The appointment of Curtis Juman to this very key role in supporting the mission of the Abbey is very welcome. His expertise and personal qualities have prepared him to make a significant contribution to the wide-ranging ministry of the Abbey.

Mr Curtis Juman said:

It is a huge privilege to take up this role and I am looking forward to working with colleagues in continuing to realise the mission of the Abbey.