Abbey’s Precentor appointed Chaplain of Haileybury School

Wednesday, 25th September 2019

Abbey’s Precentor appointed Chaplain of Haileybury School

The Reverend Christopher Stoltz, Minor Canon and Precentor of Westminster Abbey, has been appointed Chaplain of Haileybury, and teacher of theology and philosophy.

He will take up his appointment in April next year.

Haileybury is an independent co-educational boarding school in Hertfordshire with nearly 900 students between the ages of 11 and 18.

Christopher Stoltz has been at Westminster Abbey since February 2014, when he began as Sacrist. As Precentor he is responsible to the Dean of Westminster for the daily worshipping life of the Abbey, and for designing and planning many of the special services which characterise its unique life.

Brought up in the US, where he exercised a ministry as a Lutheran pastor and cantor, he came to Westminster Abbey after four and a half years as Chaplain of Trinity College, Cambridge. Before taking up his post in Cambridge, Christopher served a curacy at Saint Michael's Church, Highgate, London.

The Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, said:

It has been a real pleasure working with Chris Stoltz in his capacity as a Minor Canon, first as Sacrist and then as Precentor. He has managed and organised a great many special services with considerable aplomb, in addition to the daily round of worship with 28 services every week. He has also been an excellent pastor for Westminster Abbey Choir School and a fine friend to the clergy and people of the Abbey community.

Christopher Stoltz said:

I am delighted to be taking up the post of Chaplain of Haileybury and to living and working at the heart of a vibrant and beautiful school. I shall be very sad indeed to leave the Abbey after six full and fruitful years, and especially to bid farewell to so many friends and colleagues within and beyond the Abbey.

Martin Collier, the Master of Haileybury, said:

We are looking forward to welcoming Chris to Haileybury as our Chaplain. Our Christian foundation and Chapel sit at the heart of our school; I know that Chris, with his wealth of experience and through his ministry, will ensure that this continues to be the case.