St Margaret’s holds a Service for the New Parliament

Wednesday, 28th June 2017

St Margaret’s holds a Service for the New Parliament

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Justin Welby, Primate of All England and Metropolitan, gave the Address at Service for a New Parliament at St Margaret's Church, Westminster Abbey on Wednesday 28th June 2017.

The service, which was attended by MPs, peers and parliamentary staff, was conducted by the Reverend Jane Sinclair, Canon of Westminster and Rector of St Margaret’s, and the Reverend Prebendary Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons.

The Right Honourable The Lord Fowler, the Lord Speaker, read Isaiah 40: 21 - end; and the Right Honourable John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons, read Philippians 2: 1–11.

Prayers were led by the Reverend Jennifer Petersen, Minor Canon and Chaplain, and said by the Reverend Martyn Atkins, Superintendent Minister, Methodist Central Hall, Westminster; the Reverend Padraig Regan CM, Chaplain, The Passage; and the Speaker's Chaplain.

The service was sung by the Choir of St Margaret's conducted by Aidan Oliver, Director of Music. The organ was played by Richard Pearce.

Order of Service for A Service for the New Parliament (PDF, 245KB)

Address given by The Archbishop of Canterbury