Events at Westminster Abbey

Dignity season

Throughout Autumn 2023 we will be highlighting and restoring dignity to those who have had it obscured through history.

Through a series of events, lectures and tours we will look to give a voice to these people.

Why dignity?

Human dignity is at the heart of this season of public events, focusing on the inherent value of every individual as given by God. As people created in the image of God, these events give us a chance to connect with the past, engage with the present, and shape a future where dignity and respect prevail.”

Celebrating Ignatius Sancho - the first black Briton to vote

Ignatius Sancho was an enslaved black writer and actor who was the first person to vote in the UK and have his obituary in the newspaper. He was married and later buried in St Margaret's Church. More about Ignatius Sancho.

On 5th December a memorial dedicated to Sancho will be unveiled in St Margaret's Church. 

Paterson Joseph talk and performance 

Actor Paterson Joseph will be giving a talk about the life of Sancho and performing extracts from his book.

Modern martyrs 

Above the Abbey’s Great West Door stand ten statues to 20th-century Christian martyrs - those who have been oppressed or persecuted for their faith.

From September - December a sermon series, ‘The Noble Army of Martyrs’, will focus on the lives of those depicted, their ongoing resonance, and legacy for the Church.

Talks and lectures

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