Alleyn’s School celebrates 400th anniversary

Friday, 18th January 2019

Alleyn’s School celebrates 400th anniversary

A service of thanksgiving and commemoration to mark the 400th anniversary of Alleyn’s School was held at Westminster Abbey on Friday 18th January 2019.

The service was conducted by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, who said in his Bidding:

If Edward Alleyn, who four hundred years ago founded his College of God’s Gift within this country estate at Dulwich, were to visit London today, he would perhaps find it a bewildering and possibly terrifying prospect.
And yet, whilst the developments of the last four hundred years have transformed the outward appearance of things in relation to travel, communication and the availability of information, the essential truth about human beings is much as it was in his day.
As we celebrate Edward Alleyn’s generosity, may he in this four hundredth anniversary of his great foundation inspire us to love and serve God, to be generous and good, to care for others and to celebrate the best in education.

At the start of the service, the school flag, and bouquet of cornflowers, and the Foundation Deed of the College of God’s Gift, were processed through the Abbey by Ned Hatt, Year 6, and Sascha Pollock, Year 13; Emilia Bowen, Year 6, and Marcus Gilbert, Year 6; and Thomas Cahill, Year 13, and Caitlin Leithead, Year 13.

Testimonies were read by the Right Honourable Professor the Lord Kakkar, alumnus, Fellow of the School, and President of the Edward Alleyn Club; and Marilyn Walker, the longest serving member of the Common Room.

Iain Barbour, Chair of Governors, read 1 Corinthians 13; and Dr Frances Bowen, alumna and Deputy Chair of Governors, and Angela Horne, alumna and Fellow of the School, read St Matthew 2: 1-11.

The sermon was preached by the Dean.

Prayers were led by the Reverend Mark Birch, Minor Canon and Sacrist, and said by: Isabel Ali, Year 6; Tane Dyce-Crichlow, Year 7; David Sasu, Year 11; Caitlin Leithead, School Captain; the Reverend Liz Lander, School Chaplain; and the Reverend Anthony Ball, Canon in Residence.

Dr Gary Savage, Headmaster, gave the Exhortation.

The service was sung by the combined choirs of Alleyn’s School, directed by Chris Dearmer, Director of Music. The organ was played by Matthew Jorysz, Assistant Organist.

Sermon given at A Service of Thanksgiving to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Alleyn’s School

Listen to the Sermon (audio file on an external website)