Dedication of The Queen's Window by David Hockney

Tuesday, 2nd October 2018

Dedication of The Queen's Window by David Hockney

The Queen’s Window, a new stained-glass window by David Hockney celebrating the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, which was recently installed in the north transept of Westminster Abbey, was dedicated by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, at a service this morning.

The Dean said:

For many years, I pondered how we should celebrate The Queen’s reign in the Abbey. David Hockney, who had never before designed stained glass, sent me a draft design: as I wished not heraldic or representational, but a country scene to honour someone we know to be a lover of the countryside.

The dedication service was attended by friends and family of the artist, Helen Whittaker and Keith Barley of Barley Studio, who constructed the window, and representatives from Lamberts Glass, Bavaria, who manufactured the brightly-colour glass Hockney wanted for the window.

Order of Service for Dedication of the Window to Celebrate The Queen's Reign (PDF, 313KB)

More about The Queen's Window