One People Oration

The One People Oration is a lecture given each year at Westminster Abbey by a guest speaker. The intention of the series is to make people “think not only of all Christian people but of all mankind”.

The orations commenced in 1966, the 900th anniversary year of the consecration and dedication of Edward the Confessor’s original church. The phrase "One People" was coined by Edward Carpenter (then Archdeacon, later Dean of Westminster) in 1965-1966.

Past lectures

One People Oration 2019

Faith at the Heart of Nations? Reflections on the future of church and state

Speaker: The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster; Chair: Paul Baumann, Receiver General, Westminster Abbey

Monday, 21st October 2019

One People Oration 2018

Embracing Global Challenges

Speaker: The Rt Hon Baroness Scotland of Asthal QC, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth; Chair: The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster

Tuesday, 16th October 2018

One People Oration 2017

The Responsibilities of Democracy

Speaker: Sir John Major; Chair: The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster

Monday, 6th November 2017

One People Oration 2016

Secret Service? National Security in an Age of Open Information

Speaker: Lord Evans of Weardale, former Head of MI5; Chair: The Very Reverend Dr John Hall

Monday, 14th November 2016

One People Oration 2014

Humanising hell - diplomacy and the search for peace

Speaker: The Rt Hon William Hague MP, First Secretary of State and Leader of the House of Commons

Thursday, 23rd October 2014

One People Oration 2011

The original worldwide web

Speaker: His Excellency Kamalesh Sharma, Commonwealth Secretary-General

Thursday, 10th March 2011

One People Oration 2006

UN at 60+ - Will it ever Make Poverty History for the One People of the World

Speaker: Mr Tony Colman (former Chair, UK Parliament UN Group)

Wednesday, 22nd February 2006

One People Oration 2002

A City set on a Hill: The Mission of the Church in changed times

Speaker: Lord Carey of Clifton (then Archbishop of Canterbury)

Monday, 17th June 2002

One People Oration 2001

Not Saving but Drowning - Humanitarian Intervention that fails

Speaker: Mr Richard Dowden

Monday, 2nd July 2001

One People Oration 2000

Speaker: General Sir Michael Rose

Monday, 10th July 2000

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