Scouts and Guides celebrate shared traditions

Monday, 6th November 2017

Scouts and Guides celebrate shared traditions

A National Scout and Guide Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving was held at Westminster Abbey at Noon on Saturday 4th November 2017.

The service honoured long-serving volunteer local leaders in the Scout and Guide Movements, whose founders, Robert and Olave Baden-Powell, are memorialised in the Nave of the Abbey.

The service was conducted by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, who gave the Welcome and pronounced the Blessing.

Testimonies were given by Imogen Bowlt, Guide, and Alexandra Sykes, Scout.

Katie Waite, Guide, and Holly Emmerson, Guide, read Job 1: 6-22; and Henna Mehmi, Scout, read St Luke 22: 24-27.

The Address was given by the Reverend Dr Catherine Shelley.

The Renewal of Promises was led by Sally Illsley, Deputy Chief Guide; and Tim Kidd, The Scouts UK Chief Commissioner.

The prayers were led by the Reverend Jennifer Petersen, Minor Canon and Chaplain, and said by Henna Mehmi, Scout; Eleanor Harpum, Guide; Alexandra Sykes, Scout; Cecilia Marshall, Guide; Zakariya Saeed, Scout; and Amy Jeffree, Guide.

The service was sung by the Westminster Abbey Special Service Choir, conducted by Peter Holder, Sub-Organist. The organ was played by Matthew Jorysz, Assistant Organist.

Order of Service for A National Scout and Guide Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving (PDF, 497KB)