Paul Baumann, Receiver General and Chapter Clerk

Paul Baumann CBE

Chapter Clerk and Receiver General

As Chapter Clerk and Receiver General Paul Baumann is the most senior adviser to the Dean and Chapter; working with them on strategic and operational matters and planning major events.

As well as his role within Chapter Paul, is in effect, the Abbey’s chief executive, and takes direct responsibility for the overall management of the Abbey’s financial, administrative, commercial, fabric and security affairs. He leads the senior management team and exercises responsibility for the lay staff of the Abbey.

He grew up in Dorset and read Modern and Medieval Languages at St Catharine's College, Cambridge. During a 22-year career with Unilever, he held senior board positions before taking up a global role focused on finance excellence and innovation. He joined NHS London as its first Chief Financial Officer in May 2007 and was appointed Chief Financial Officer at NHS England in 2012.

Paul is married with three children. He is a practicing church musician and member of the Board of the Academy of Ancient Music. As a member of the Howard Partnership Trust he is also responsible for the governance of a large Multi-Academy Trust based in Surrey.