Institute people

Westminster Abbey Institute is run by a Steering Group, consisting of the Canon Rector of St Margaret’s as Chair, the Director of the Institute, the Canon Theologian and the Receiver General.

The Director is assisted by a Manager and Administrator. The Institute is advised by a Council of Reference chaired by the Dean of Westminster.

Steering Group

Institute staff

Kathleen James, Manager

020 7654 4963

Aneta Horniak, Assistant

020 7654 4911

Council of Reference

Chair - The Very Reverend Dr John Hall BA HonDD HonDTheol FRSA HonFCollT

The Rt Hon. the Baroness Butler-Sloss GBE

General The Lord Dannatt GCB CBE MC DL

Canon Professor Grace Davie

The Rt Hon. the Baroness D'Souza CMG

Mr Mark Easton

The Lord Evans of Weardale KCB

The Rt Hon. Dominic Grieve QC

Mr Matt Magee

Professor The Lord Hennessy of Nympsfield

The Lord Hogan-Howe Kt QPM

The Rt Hon. the Lord Judge

Claire Moriarty CB

Mr Sandy Nairne CBE FSA

The Rt Hon the Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury

Sir David Normington GCB

Sir Paul Nurse PRS PhD

Mr William Nye LVO

Mr Mark Ormerod

The Lord Saatchi

Professor Janet Soskice

The Rt Hon. Jack Straw

Professor Sir Richard Trainor KBE, AcSS, FRHistS, FKC