The Reverend Anthony Ball, Canon of Westminster

The Right Reverend Anthony Ball

Canon Rector

Canon Ball is in charge of St Margaret’s Church at the Abbey. Previously he was Rector of Worth, Pound Hill and Maidenbower in West Sussex.

Canon Ball was born and lived for many years in Southern Africa. After studying at the University of Durham, he joined the Diplomatic Service. He had overseas postings in the Middle East and Spain during which time he was ordained as a priest. His last posting was in Damascus where, in addition to his work in the British Embassy and as the Anglican Chaplain, he was the Archbishop of Canterbury's representative to the Heads of the Orthodox Churches in Syria and Lebanon. From there he moved to join Archbishop Rowan Williams' staff at Lambeth Palace where he variously held responsibility for advising on Anglican Communion, Ecumenical, Inter Religious and International relations and served as the Archbishop's Chaplain.

He remains an honorary canon of the Anglican cathedrals in Cairo and Madrid and serves as a trustee for several charities.