Henry III

Henry was born at Winchester Castle on 1st October 1207, eldest son of King John and Isabella. He succeeded his father in 1216. His was one of the longest reigns in English history.

It is to Henry that we owe the rebuilding of Westminster Abbey in the new Gothic style of architecture. In 1220 he had laid the foundation stone of the old Lady Chapel (later replaced by Henry VII's chapel) and he had a special devotion to St Edward the Confessor. He wanted to emulate the great churches then being built in France and to transfer Edward's body to a new shrine near which he himself could be buried.

Demolition of Edward the Confessor's 11th century church began in 1245 and the king was recklessly extravagant in the money spent on the Abbey and its lavish decoration (the cost including the new Shrine was £45,000, about 15 million in today's money). The eastern section, including the intricate Cosmati pavement, and transepts of the Church as far as one bay of the nave west of the organ screen, dates from his reign. The bones of St Edward were translated to the new shrine in 1269 and the consecration of the Church took place on 13th October 1269. But building ceased when Henry died and it was completed at a much later date.

Marriage and children

Henry married Eleanor, daughter of Raymond Berenger V, Count of Provence, in Canterbury cathedral on 4th January 1236 (she became a nun and died at Amesbury in 1291). They had five sons - Edward succeeded his father as Edward I, Edmund, Earl of Lancaster is also buried in the Abbey, as are Richard, John, and Henry who all died young. Their three daughters were Margaret, who married Alexander III of Scotland, Beatrice, who married Jean de Dreux Earl of Richmond, and Katherine who died young in 1257 and who was buried in the Abbey.


He was hastily crowned king at Gloucester Abbey on 28th October 1216 due to the uncertain political situation at the time and then again with full ceremonial in Westminster Abbey on 17th May 1220. Eleanor was crowned on 20th January 1236.

Burial and tomb

Henry died at the Palace of Westminster on 16th November 1272. He had a magnificent funeral and his body was temporarily buried in the old grave of Edward the Confessor in the Abbey. He was the first monarch to be buried in a coffin (rather than the body being visible on a bier) with a wax effigy (this does not survive) used in the procession.

Nineteen years later he was placed in the splendid tomb put up by his son Edward I to the north of the Shrine of St Edward, although his heart was delivered to the Abbey at Fontevrault in France as Henry had wished. Henry's large tomb is of Purbeck marble with slabs of purple and green antique porphyry set in the sides and inlaid with gilded "Cosmati" mosaic and coloured marble and glass. Much of this has been robbed but decoration still remains on the north side. The arched recesses on the chapel side may once have contained relics of saints, as may the small cavity in the pillar near the head of the effigy.

High on the tomb lies the superb gilt bronze effigy, cast in one piece, made by London goldsmith William Torel. It is hollowed out at the back to reduce the weight. The metal plate on which the king lies, the pillows beneath his head and his shoes are decorated with the lions of England. The gabled canopy behind his head has gone as have the jewels from his crown and robe and the sceptres he held in his hands. The two lions at his feet have also disappeared.

When the effigy was removed from the plate it was seen that this has been cut to the shape of the figure and on the bare stone are etched figures of a queen and a nun praying before a larger uncompleted figure. There are also other scratchings of heads, a bird and a six pointed flower in a circle.

The Norman-French inscription remains around the edge. This can be translated as:

Here lies Henry formerly King of England, Lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitaine, son of King John formerly King of England, to whom God grant mercy. Amen

The wooden tester or canopy over the tomb is 15th century and was once gilt and painted but the grille which protected the tomb has gone. On the lower edge of the tomb chest is the remains of a 16th century inscription in black letter, added by Abbot Feckenham, which can be translated

Henry the Third is the founder of this church 1273. War is sweet to those who have not experienced it

Tomb dimensions in metres: length 2.94. width 1.50. height 2.30. Length of effigy: 1.90 m.

The effigy was stored in the Chapter House crypt during the Great War and was evacuated to a country house during the 1939-45 war.

An early stained glass shield with his arms (gules, three lions passant guardant or) is now in St Edmund's chapel window and a 13th century carved shield of arms remains in the choir aisle, together with those of other benefactors to the building work (including the coat of arms of Provence). The Chapter House contains tiles depicting his Royal arms. It is thought that one of the kings painted on the Sedilia, beside the High Altar, represents him. He is also depicted in an early 20th century stained glass window in the nave. A corbel head of a queen in the Muniment Room may possibly represent Eleanor of Provence.

Further reading

The reign of Henry III by David Carpenter, 1996

Westminster Abbey and the Plantagenets by Paul Binski, 1995

The Cosmatesque mosaics of Westminster Abbey. The pavements and royal tombs... by Warwick Rodwell & David Neal, 2019 [for Henry III's tomb and his daughter's tomb]

King Henry III and the Cosmati work at Westminster by D. Carpenter, in The Cloister and the World edited by J. Blair and B. Golding, 1996

On an examination of the tombs of Richard II and Henry III by A.P. Stanley in Archaeologia XLV, 1879

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2004

Calling the Tune? The involvement of Henry III in the design of the Abbey Church at Westminster by Christopher Wilson, JBAA vol.161, 2008

The royal bronze tomb effigies in Westminster Abbey by H. Plenderleith and H. Maryon, Antiquaries Journal XXXIX, 1959 (describing the casting of the effigy, during cleaning after the last war).

A Genealogical History of the Kings of England.... by Francis Sandford 1677 (his engraving shows the tomb with two lions at the feet and gablet behind the head in place)

King Henry III and St Edward the Confessor: the origins of the cult by David Carpenter in English Historical Review vol. CXXII, 2007

Dedication celebration (for the 750th anniversary of the consecration of his church) by David Carpenter in Westminster Abbey Review, Summer 2019

On the funeral effigies of the King and Queens of England by W.H. St John Hope, Archaeologia 1907

Henry III's palace at Westminster by V. Jansen in 'Westminster, the art...of the royal abbey and palace', vol.2, BAA 2015

The Holy Blood: Henry III and the Westminster Blood relic by Nicholas Vincent, 2001


1st October 1207


16th November 1272


20th November 1272


17th May 1220


St Edward’s Chapel

Memorial Type


Material Type

Marble; bronze

Bronze effigy of Henry III, wearing a crown, his head resting on a pillow
Henry III's effigy

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Red tiles showing the with Royal arms of Henry III in yellow, Chapter House, Westminster Abbey
Tile in Chapter House with Royal arms

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Carved shield of Henry III, three lions on a red background
Henry III carved shield

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Side view of Henry III's bronze effigy, his head resting on a pillow
Henry III effigy profile

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Side view of Henry III's tomb with bronze effigy on top and purple porphyry and gilding on the sides
Henry III tomb south side

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Side view of Henry III's tomb with bronze effigy on top and purple and green porphyry and gilding on the sides
Henry III tomb north side

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Figures of women praying etched into stone
Figures underneath effigy

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Painting of a king (possibly Henry III) dressed in flowing robes and wearing a crown
Sedilia figure, possibly Henry III

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Computer model of Westminster Abbey during the time of Henry III
Reconstruction of Henry's church and his Lady Chapel

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster