Prince Harry Attends ANZAC Day Service at Westminster Abbey

Monday, 25th April 2016

Prince Harry Attends ANZAC Day Service at Westminster Abbey

HRH Prince Henry of Wales attended a Service of Commemoration and Thanksgiving to mark ANZAC Day at Westminster Abbey at Noon on Monday 25th April 2016. The National Anthem was sung.

The service was conducted by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, who said in his Bidding:

The landing of allied forces at Gallipoli on 25th April 1915 led to one of the bloodiest battles of the First World War. Australian and New Zealand forces joined together for the first time, and a new word entered the language: ANZAC. Remembering that so many died, we honour the bravery and determination of the men at Gallipoli.
The memory of what became known as The Great War is with us as a warning and an encouragement. We are warned that war involves suffering and death; we are encouraged by the spirit of national pride shown by the soldiers we remember this ANZAC Day.

At the start of the service the flags of New Zealand, Australia, Turkey and the United Kingdom were carried through the Abbey and placed beside the High Altar. The flags were borne by Staff Sergeant Jason Well (New Zealand), Warrant Officer Second Class Matthew Mancini (Australia), Warrant Officer First Class Halil Yildiz (Turkey) and Warrant Officer Second Class (Company Sergeant Major) Leon Fairbrother, No 7 Company, Coldstream Guards (United Kingdom).

His Excellency the High Commissioner for New Zealand, the Right Honourable Sir Lockwood Smith KNZM, read Isaiah 43: 1-7, and His Excellency the High Commissioner for Australia, the Honourable Alexander Downer AC, read St John 12: 20-28.

The Address was given by the Dean.

His Excellency Abdurrahman Bilgiç, Ambassador of Turkey at the Court of St James, read the words of Mustafa Kemal Atatűrk inscribed on the memorial at ANZAC Cove in the Dardanelles.

Prayers were led by the Reverend Christopher Stoltz, Minor Canon and Precentor, and said by: Jack Findlater, Kimi Meleen Davies, Ngati Maniapoto, Rereahu, Herewaka Marjoribanks, Jasmine Findlater, Harry Alexander, Sophie Edwards, James Noordewier, Poppy Melville and the Reverend Jane Sinclair, Canon in Residence.

Fanfare Trumpeters from the Band of the Grenadier Guards were directed by Colour Sergeant Michael Altree.

The National Anthems of Australia and New Zealand were sung.

The service was sung by the Westminster Abbey Special Service Choir, conducted by James O'Donnell, Organist and Master of the Choristers. The organ was played by Daniel Cook, Sub-Organist.

More Information

The Dean’s Address

The New Zealand High Commission

The Australian High Commission