Make a donation

You might find it strange to see an urgent appeal for funding from Westminster Abbey. We are a Royal Peculiar, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the place of coronations and royal weddings.


How can a church like this be in need?

The pandemic has hit us like no other crisis. Pre-Covid, we were blessed with 1.3 million visitors per year, but in 2020/2021 we welcomed only 57,000 people. It costs over £14 million each year to run the Abbey, so this loss of visitors has had a huge impact. The Abbey receives no funding from the Church, Crown or State, which means we are almost completely reliant on visitor income. 85% of our visitors come from overseas so, until international travel picks up in 2022 at the earliest, the Abbey will continue to run at an unsustainable loss. 

How you can help

A separate charitable trust has been established to assist in the Abbey's fundraising efforts – The Westminster Abbey Trust.

You can make a donation to the Trust to support the Abbey's work by selecting one of the buttons below. 

Heritage Preservation Appeal

Heritage Preservation Appeal

Your donation will help to protect our three key areas of greatest need since Covid hit: the conservation of the Abbey, care of the Abbey Collections, and the continuation of our rich musical tradition through our Choir and Choir School.

Protect the Abbey's heritage
Congregants drinking from communion cups at the Maundy Thursday service in Westminster Abbey

Our mission

Daily services are at the heart of Abbey life. Your generous gift can help us continue to be a special place of pilgrimage, prayer and worship.

Donate to our worship & mission
The clock tower of St Margaret's Church, Westminster

St Margaret's Church

Located between Westminster Abbey and The Houses of Parliament, and commonly called The Parish Church of the House of Commons, St Margaret’s has witnessed many historic events. Your support can help us preserve its place within the Abbey’s history and grounds.

Give to St Margaret's Church