Security at the Abbey

This page details the security and safety measures we have in place so you can fully enjoy your visit to the Abbey.

Our security team

Our security team

The Abbey’s Beadles, our dedicated security team, are on site at all times to keep our visitors, worshippers and staff safe.

Not just a friendly face, they are professionally trained to carry out checks around the building and the grounds through day and night, of those entering the Abbey, and to look out for anything suspicious. Our team also work closely with the police and have state-of-the-art technology to assist them.

When you arrive at the Abbey

When you arrive at the Abbey

Your bag will be searched before you come in and some additional checks might be needed. We do not allow any items which are illegal in the UK to be taken inside the Abbey.

You cannot leave luggage or large backpacks with us during your visit. Find out more information about access and facilities in our FAQs.

It generally doesn’t take long to pass through security checks but please bear in mind as sometimes it takes a little longer to queue. And, at busy times we often need to close early so we can allow time for bags to be checked.

Stay alert

Stay alert

We also ask that you stay alert when you are at the Abbey, and help us by reporting anything that doesn’t seem right straight away to any of our staff, as they are all security trained. If you would like to contact us after your visit with any security concerns, please get in touch by emailing

By playing your part, you’re doing your bit and helping to keep everyone safe. You won’t be wasting anyone’s time.


Learn about the signs to spot and report anything online, in confidence to the police.