Services & times


Remembering St Edward, 10th-18th October 2020

Illuminated manuscript showing St Edward the Confessor

During Edwardtide, we celebrate the life of St Edward the Confessor, King of England 1042–1066 and the re-founder of Westminster Abbey. St Edward was canonised in 1161, and to this day, pilgrims come to pray at his shrine.

Join us in this feast to commemorate the life and work of St Edward, king and confessor, in prayer and praise. Everyone's welcome, and you don't need a ticket.


Sunday 11th October 2020 – The Translation of St Edward the Confessor, 1163-1269

10.30am – Sung Eucharist

Friday 16th October 2020

5.00pm – Evensong sung jointly with Westminster Cathedral Choir

Saturday 17th October 2020 – National Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St Edward the Confessor

11.30am – Festival Eucharist – Preacher to be announced

3.00pm – First Evensong of the Dedication of Westminster Abbey

Sunday 18th October 2020 – Dedication of Westminster Abbey, 1269

10.30am – Sung Eucharist

3.00pm – Evensong celebrating the Feast of the Dedication of Westminster Abbey in the presence of The Lord Mayor of Westminster and the Mayors of the London Boroughs

National pilgrimage day

Our annual pilgrimage day gives you the opportunity to visit the Abbey with other pilgrims, and experience its beauty and space in an atmosphere characterised by prayer. Everyone will be able to pray at the Shrine of St Edward – the only shrine in this country that still contains the body of the saint.

Touch tours and BSL (British Sign Language) tours and Eucharist will be available on the day. Appropriate provision is also made for those with mobility restrictions.

Prayer tours

We offer all pilgrims a prayer tour, which takes you into every part of the Abbey, its precincts and gardens. You’ll see the stunning Lady Chapel, the Royal Tombs, Poets' Corner, and the Chapter House – also the College Garden, where you can sit on a chamomile bench and enjoy the fragrant scents of herbs and flowers.

Children and schools

Families and school groups are especially welcome, with activities for children taking place throughout the day, including:

  • Pilgrim badge-making in the nave
  • Prayerful tours and trails
  • Family prayers in the Shrine of St Edward
  • Performances
  • Arts and crafts

If you would like to ask any questions or for advice about bringing children, please contact the Learning Team on or 020 7654 4965

Pastoral care and spiritual growth

During the course of the day, priests will be on duty for individual spiritual counselling and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You’ll also have the opportunity to renew baptism promises and take part in healing liturgies with the laying-on of hands and anointing.


Anyone can come to the pilgrimage day free of charge.

If you're an individual pilgrim or in a small group, you don't need to book, and you're welcome to any or all parts of the day.

Larger groups and school groups should book, as this helps us plan the day and support your visit.

For more information and bookings, please contact:

Tiggy Sawbridge
Canons' PA
020 7654 4805