Duke of Cambridge marks Royal Navy anniversary

Friday, 3rd May 2019

Duke of Cambridge marks Royal Navy anniversary

His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge, Commodore-in-Chief, the Royal Navy Submarine Service, attended a service to recognise fifty years of Continuous At Sea Deterrent at Westminster Abbey at Noon on Friday 3rd May 2019.

The service was conducted by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Reverend Dr John Hall, who said in his Bidding:

For the past fifty years, Royal Navy submariners have patrolled the oceans and seas of our world, sometimes for many months at a time, burdened with a force able to engender a greater destructive power than has ever been seen on earth.
Today we thank God that this continuous at sea deterrence, part of a balancing of forces between the most powerful nations on earth, has had the effect of maintaining peace and security between the nations. We pray that the Royal Navy may never be required to deploy these terrible forces in war and that they may continue to deter their use by others.
We give thanks for all the thousands of people who have designed, built, supported, and crewed the submarines during these past fifty years and for their families, and we continue to pray for the life and work of the Royal Navy, in particular for its submarine service.

At the start of the service, the Submarine Service Colour was borne through the Abbey by Lieutenant Gary Linden RN, escorted by Warrant Officer First Class Michael Golby, Leading Seaman Mark Dunion, and Leading (Writer) Stephen Boultby, presented to the Dean and placed on the High Altar.

The Address was given by the Dean.

Testimonies were read by Isobel Fraser; Rear Admiral Tim Hodgson MBE, Director Submarine Capability, Ministry of Defence; and Leading Engineer Technician Edward Owen.

Rear Admiral John Weale CB OBE, Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland, Assistant Chief of Naval Staff Submarines, and Rear Admiral Submarines, read Jonah 2: 2-7, 9.

HRH The Duke of Cambridge read Ephesians 2: 13-20.

Prayers were led by the Reverend Christopher Stoltz, Minor Canon and Precentor, and said by: the Reverend Anthony Ball, Canon in Residence; Rear Admiral Tony Whetstone CB; Reverend Mark Davidson RN; Gavin Leckie, industry representative; Sir Roger Carr, industry representative; and the Venerable Martyn Gough QHC, Chaplain of the Fleet.

The service was sung by the Westminster Abbey Special Service Choir, directed by James O'Donnell, Organist and Master of the Choristers.

The organ was played by Peter Holder, Sub Organist, and before the service by Matthew Jorysz, Assistant Organist.

The Band of Her Majesty's Royal Marines Collingwood was directed by Warrant Officer Second Class Trevor Naughton.

Order of Service for A Service to Recognise Fifty Years of Continuous at Sea Deterrent (PDF, 922KB)

Address given at a service to recognise fifty years of Continuous At Sea Deterrent

Listen to the Testimonies and the Address (audio files on an external website)