Charles Gore Memorial Lectures

Charles Gore (1853-1932) was a Canon of Westminster between 1894 and 1902. As a memorial to him an endowment fund for a series of annual lectures was established and since 1935 a lecture has been held at the Abbey almost every year.

Engraving depicting Charles Gore preaching

Past lectures

The Charles Gore Lecture 2019

Justice, Mercy and Remembrance

Speaker: The Reverend Professor Michael Banner, Dean of Trinity College, Cambridge; Chair: The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster

Tuesday, 26th March 2019

The Charles Gore Lecture 2018

Truth and Beauty

Speaker: Professor Janet Soskice; Chair: The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster

Tuesday, 27th February 2018

The Charles Gore Lecture 2017

Integrity and the Modern Intellectual Tradition

Speaker: Marilynne Robinson; Chair - The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster

Tuesday, 7th February 2017

The Charles Gore Lecture 2016

The Staying Power of Benedict in Parliament Square

Speaker: The Right Reverend and Right Honourable The Lord (Rowan) Williams; Chair: The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, Dean of Westminster

Tuesday, 15th March 2016

The Charles Gore Lecture 2014

The Faithfulness of God

Speaker: The Right Reverend Professor NT Wright, University of St Andrews; Chair: Canon Professor Vernon White

Tuesday, 4th March 2014

The Charles Gore Lecture 2010

Canon Law and the Path to Unity

A discussion chaired by Dr Nicholas Sagovsky, Canon Theologian, Westminster Abbey with Ms Eithne D’Auria, Professor Norman Doe, Professor Mark Hill QC and Reverend Professor Aidan McGrath OFM

Monday, 29th November 2010

The Charles Gore Lecture 2009

Darwin and God

Lecturer: Nick Spencer, Director of Studies, Theos

Sunday, 29th November 2009

The Charles Gore Lecture 2008

The Mystery of Catholicity

Lecturer: Bishop Frank Griswold

Tuesday, 29th April 2008

The Charles Gore Lecture 2006

Structures of Disdain and How they may Might be Redeemed

Lecturer: Bishop Peter Selby

Tuesday, 23rd May 2006

The Charles Gore Lecture 2005 No. 2

Public Truth or Private Conviction? The Christian Church, pluralism and Establishment in the Twentieth Century

Lecturer: Jeremy Morris

Wednesday, 28th September 2005

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