Worship at the Abbey

Book for Sunday Services

All are welcome to join our services but at this time we are unable to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend due to social distancing restrictions.

If you would like to attend either of these weekly Sunday services, you must book a ticket in advance:

9.00am - Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
11.15am - Eucharist (Common Worship)

Tickets are not required for our other services, but please note that we may not be able to accommodate everyone who wishes to attend so please arrive well before the start time.

How to book

Visit this webpage on Thursdays from 4.30pm to make a booking. Bookings will close on Fridays at 4.30pm.

Holy Communion

Sunday 19th July at 9.00am

Book tickets

Said Eucharist

Sunday 19th July at 11.15am

Book tickets

Why we’re asking you to book

Our Sunday Holy Communion and Eucharist services are very popular, and a ticket will guarantee you entry to the service. By booking, you’re helping to keep numbers small in our services so that all worshippers will feel safe.

Please note that in line with the Government's COVID-19 Test and Trace programme, contact details for all visitors and service attendees will be taken and held on file for a period of 21 days. Attendee details will only be used, if necessary, in conjunction with the Test and Trace programme and Westminster Abbey will not process this data for any other purpose.

Advice for those attending services

To ensure you have a safe and fulfilling time at the Abbey, please be aware of the new social distancing and hygiene measures in place.