Christianity in 10 objects

Christianity in 10 objects

Every object tells a story. Here at Westminster Abbey, a Christian place of worship for over 1,000 years, there are over 1,000 years of stories to share. Discover more about the beliefs, practices and history of Christianity by uncovering the stories of these 10 objects.

See the objects in real life

Visit the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries to see these 10 objects, and many more, in real life. High above the Abbey floor, come face to face with the Abbey’s greatest treasures covering over 1,000 years of faith and history. Along with worship, examine objects that teach us about the building of Westminster Abbey, its role in national memory and its relationship with royalty.

Book your experience today.

The Westminster Retable

The Westminster Retable

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Prayer book of Lady Margaret Beaufort

Prayer book of Lady Margaret Beaufort

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Chalice and Paten with a figure of St Edward the Confessor

Chalice and Paten with a figure of St Edward the Confessor

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Marriage licence of HRH Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton

Marriage licence of HRH Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton

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Stained Glass

Stained Glass

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Column Capital from St Edward the Confessor’s cloister

Column Capital from St Edward the Confessor’s cloister

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The Litlyngton Missal

The Litlyngton Missal

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Modern Christian Martyrs from the Abbey’s West Front

Modern Christian Martyrs from the Abbey’s West Front

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Maquette of the monument to Joseph Gascoigne and Lady Elizabeth Nightingale

Maquette of the monument to Joseph Gascoigne and Lady Elizabeth Nightingale

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Liber Regalis

Liber Regalis

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