Elizabeth II

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, elder daughter of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth was born in London on 21st April 1926. After the abdication of Edward VIII in 1936 her father, who was Duke of York, became King. Her sister Princess Margaret, son Prince Andrew, daughter Princess Anne and grandson Prince William were all married in Westminster Abbey.

In 2015 she became the longest-reigning British monarch and was the first to reach the Sapphire Jubilee of her coronation. She later became the world's longest-reigning sovereign. The reigning monarch is Sovereign of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (the Order has its chapel in the Abbey and is the only service here at which the monarch wears a tiara). In 2018 she opened The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries, a display of treasures and historical items in the Abbey triforium. In September 2018 a new stained glass window, designed by David Hockney, was unveiled in the north transept. In vivid colours this represents the Yorkshire countryside and celebrates the reign of Elizabeth II.

At services in the church the Sovereign and consort nearly always sit in specially made chairs presented by the Canada Club. As the Abbey, or Collegiate Church of St Peter Westminster, is a Royal Peculiar it has ecclesiastical independence and is under the direct governance of the Sovereign, who is called the Visitor.


Princess Elizabeth was married on 20th November 1947 to Prince Philip of Greece, (H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh). She was the tenth royal bride to be married in Westminster Abbey.

The bells of St Margaret's church hailed the arrival of the carriage procession. The ceremony started at 11.30am, the bride having arrived in the Irish State Coach from Buckingham Palace with her father. For austerity reasons, after years of war, very little extra seating was provided and about 2,000 guests attended.

The wedding dress was designed by Norman Hartnell and made of ivory silk decorated with 10,000 pearls (obtained from America). The star patterned train, woven in Braintree, Essex, was 15 feet (4.6m) long. The bouquet consisted of white orchids with a sprig of myrtle from a bush grown by Prince Albert at Osborne House. The veil was held in place by a diamond fringe tiara, lent by the Queen.

The bride's procession, with eight bridesmaids (Princess Margaret, Princess Alexandra, Lady Mary Cambridge, Lady Elizabeth Lambart, Hon.Margaret Elphinstone, Lady Caroline Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Lady Pamela Mountbatten and Diana Bowes-Lyon) and two pages (Prince William of Gloucester and Prince Michael of Kent), entered the Abbey to a fanfare specially composed by Sir Arnold Bax and the hymn "Praise my soul, the King of Heaven". The bridegroom, Lt. Philip Mountbatten, son of Prince Andrew of Greece, had already entered the Abbey quietly by the Poets' Corner door with his groomsman Lord Milford Haven. He was dressed in naval uniform.

In contrast to later royal weddings the only flowers in the Abbey were in large vases either side of the High Altar (white lilies and chrysanthemums, pink carnations, roses, variegated ivy and camellia foliage). The Altar was hung with the white dorsal given in 1911 by King George V and Queen Mary for their coronation and the 1937 coronation frontal given by the Princess' parents. The Abbey plate was displayed on the altar. The King and Queen took their seats on the south side of the Sanctuary with royalty from overseas on both sides. The Prime Minister (Mr Clement Attlee), politicians (including Winston Churchill) and other officials were seated in the choir stalls, with distinguished guests and overseas representatives in the nave. Other special guests occupied the transepts and the BBC and Palace staff were high up in the triforium.

The Dean of Westminster, Dr Alan Don, read the opening sentences of the service according to the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Geoffrey Fisher, by permission of the Dean, conducted the remainder of the ceremony. Psalm 67 (God be merciful unto us and bless us) was sung to a setting by E.C.Bairstow and later the motet "We wait for thy loving kindness, O God" by Dr William McKie, Organist and Master of the Choristers of the Abbey, was sung before the address given by the Archbishop of York, Dr Garbett. The choir was seated in the organ loft and conducted by Dr McKie. The Abbey's Sub Organist Osborne Peasgood played the organ before and after the service and Dr William Harris played for the two anthems. The hymn "The Lord's my shepherd" (to the then relatively unknown Scottish tune Crimond, with a descant composed by Dr Baird Ross) followed and after a fanfare (again by Bax) and the National Anthem the royal couple passed into St Edward's Chapel, behind the Altar, to sign the register, with immediate members of the family. The bride's wedding ring was fashioned from a nugget of Welsh gold that had been given to her mother for her ring.

The anthem "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" by S.S.Wesley was sung by the Abbey choir augmented with members of the choirs of the Chapel Royal and St George's Chapel Windsor plus additional tenors and basses (ninety one singers altogether). After signing the register the royal couple's procession made its way out of the Abbey to Mendelssohn's Wedding March (they were led by the Abbey's sub-sacrist Evelyn Foote).

The King allowed only the procession to be filmed and only still photography was permitted during the actual service.

The Grave of the Unknown Warrior was the only stone that was not covered by the special carpet. The day after the wedding Princess Elizabeth followed a royal tradition started by her mother of sending her wedding bouquet back to the Abbey to be laid on this grave. The Queen and Prince Philip attended thanksgiving services at the Abbey to commemorate their Silver, Golden and Diamond wedding anniversaries. Their Platinum anniversary in 2017 was celebrated privately at Windsor Castle.

The Duke of Edinburgh, son of Prince Andrew of Greece (who was born a Prince of Denmark and was descended from the Kings of Greece, Denmark and Prussia as well as Emperors of Russia) and Princess Alice of Battenberg [later Mountbatten], was born in Corfu on 10th June 1921. His grandmother was a granddaughter of Queen Victoria. He was educated in France, England and Scotland and served with distinction in the Royal Navy during the Second World War. After the marriage, the couple lived for a while in Malta where he was posted. In 1956 he set up the Duke of Edinburgh Award. He was President and Chairman of the Westminster Abbey Trust, set up in 1973, to raise funds for the restoration of the exterior of the Abbey. To mark the restoration of the west towers a small stone head of the Duke was carved, with others, high on the north west tower in 1991. This amusing piece shows him wearing his coronet and holding a model of a yacht and a hobby horse, reflecting two of his many interests. The Duke was involved with a great many charities and organisations until his retirement from royal duties and was created GCVO by the Queen.

Further reading for the wedding

The Order of Service (PDF, 922 KB)

Sermon preached at the Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip of Greece (PDF, 3.68MB)

Golden wedding anniversary - The Order of Service (PDF, 955KB)

Diamond wedding anniversary - The Order of Service (PDF, 87KB)

Website of the Prayer Book Society for text of 1662 prayer book

Elizabeth and Philip 20 November 1947 by Val Horsler, National Archives 2007

Five Gold Rings. A royal wedding souvenir album from Q. Victoria to Queen Elizabeth II Royal Collection publication 2007

The Queen's wedding - chorister recollections in Westminster Abbey Chorister, Winter 2007

Seventieth wedding anniversary - problems in the planning stages for the 1947 wedding in Westminster Abbey Review, Winter 2016

The Coronation


On 6th February 1952, Princess Elizabeth was watching wildlife in Kenya when she heard that her father, George VI, had died. She immediately returned home, now as Queen Elizabeth II. Planning for her coronation was soon underway and Tuesday 2nd June 1953 was the date set for the ceremony.

On 1st January 1953, the Abbey was closed to the public and preparations to transform the church began. A 200-strong labour force under the supervision of the Ministry of Works began building the 'theatre' (where the throne for the Homage is placed) under the lantern, tiered seating for 8,251 guests in the transepts and nave, the Royal Gallery, staircases, and the annexe outside the west entrance ( a space in which to marshal the long processions before the service). The annexe, designed by Eric Bedford, was a glass fronted construction with models of the ten Queen's Beasts on the outside. These were designed by James Woodford and made of clay and plaster.

Furnishings and vestments

Meanwhile, in Glasgow thirty-one carpets, totalling an area of 2,964 square yards, were being made. Blue carpet was laid in the nave and quire (except over the grave of the Unknown Warrior) and gold carpet was laid in the 'theatre' and High Altar area. In Bradford 4,000 yards of velvet was been woven to cover 2,000 chairs and 5,700 stools, made of oak and beech, for the congregation. It took ten weeks to weave by hand twenty yards of purple velvet for the Queen's coronation robe. There were 1,500 yards of silk needed for the hangings that would adorn the Abbey seating stands.

The Queen's velvet robes, robes for the Peers and the hangings were all made by Warner & Sons of Braintree, Essex. The hangings were called Queensway, designed by Robert Goodden. (After the ceremony the blue hangings, used in front of the tiered seating, were offered to churches or institutions throughout the UK and Commonwealth).

As a gift from the Queen to mark her coronation five blue and gold silk copes, incorporating images of a lion and a unicorn on each, were made for the Dean and Chapter of Westminster to wear at the ceremony. The four Canons wore their copes at the service, whilst the Dean wore a cope made for Charles II's coronation. (The Dean's cope and one of the blue copes can be seen in the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries at the Abbey). Dr Geoffrey Fisher, Archbishop of Canterbury, who would crown the Queen, wore a richly embroidered cope of Japanese silk and brocade, made by the Brotherhood of St Andrew. By 20th May the construction works were finished and daily rehearsals, often attended by the Queen and the Royal Family, began.

The first full music rehearsal with the 60-strong orchestra and 400-strong choir was held just one week beforehand. The sheer size of the orchestra and choir made it impossible for all to see the Director of Music's baton movements so two assistants were employed to relay his instructions. On 29th May the final full rehearsal was held using a set of replica regalia (now on view in the Galleries).

On 1st June the priceless Coronation Regalia arrived at the Abbey from the Tower of London, to be placed, by tradition, in the Jerusalem Chamber within the Deanery in preparation for the ceremony the next day. By dusk that night the processional route between Buckingham Palace and the Abbey was already lined with half a million people.

Coronation Day

The Abbey doors opened at 6.00am and reporters and cameramen took up their positions in the Church. By 7.00am the guests began taking their seats. The Abbey choristers, who had been woken at 5.00 am, assembled for a final practice after breakfast. Hidden in their cassock pockets were a few small sandwiches and barley sugar sweets to keep them going during the long day. Orchestral music commenced at 8.55am. At 9.30am the Regalia Procession began when the Dean and Canons of Westminster left the Jerusalem Chamber to make their way to the High Altar with the two crowns, orb and other items. The consecration of the special oil was performed by Dr Woodward, Bishop of Gloucester (a former Canon of Westminster) and it was placed in the Ampulla, which is left on the altar with the anointing spoon. The Imperial State Crown was placed on the altar in St Edward the Confessor's chapel. It is here that the Queen would change crowns prior to the final procession. The clergy then made their way to the annexe at the west end to place those items of regalia required for the procession on the table there.

At 10.15am the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh (wearing the full dress uniform of an Admiral of the Fleet) left Buckingham Palace in the Gold State Coach, bound for Westminster, arriving at 11.00am. The Queen wore the Diamond Diadem designed for George IV's coronation and the coronation necklace and earrings made in 1858 (and worn by queens' consort since 1902). Meanwhile, the Queen Mother's procession had made its way to the Royal Gallery on the south side of the High Altar overlooking the place of coronation. The High Altar was vested in the white frontal and dorsal given by George V and Queen Mary (as the new blue frontal was not completed in time for the ceremony).

The Queen entered the nave of the Abbey at 11.20am and the choirs sang the anthem "I was glad". At 12.34am she was crowned in the Coronation Chair with St Edward's Crown. At 1.28pm she entered St Edward's chapel to exchange crowns (the Imperial State Crown is lighter to wear) and change into the Robe of purple velvet. for the final procession.

Back in the annexe, a packed lunch was provided for the Queen's party in the retiring rooms (smoked salmon, foie gras, sausage rolls, cheese and biscuits). The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh left Westminster Abbey at 2.53pm and rode in the State Coach through the streets of London before returning to Buckingham Palace at 4.30pm.

Coronation oil

The anointing of the Sovereign has the deepest significance during a coronation. The recipe for the oil is secret but it contains oils of orange flowers, roses, jasmine, cinnamon, musk, civet and ambergris. Under the authority of the Surgeon-Apothecary the oil for the 1953 coronation was made up at Savory and Moore Ltd by J.D. Jamieson, to a formula devised by Peter Squire. The consecration of the oil is arranged by the Dean of Westminster and performed by a bishop. 

Coronation Dress

The Queen's coronation dress was made by Norman Hartnell (who had also made her wedding dress). It was of white satin embroidered with emblems of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth : rose (for England), thistle (Scotland), leek (Wales), shamrock (Ireland), lotus (Ceylon), protea (South Africa), wattle (Australia), wheat and jute (Pakistan), maple leaf (Canada) and fern (New Zealand). Thousands of tiny seed pearls set in 'saucers' of silver covered the dress. The Queen Mother, Princess Margaret, the Duchess of Kent, Princess Alexandra and the Queen's six Maids of Honour had complimentary dresses made.

Coronation furniture

Chairs for the peers and peeresses were made by B. North & Sons and W. Hands & Sons. The stools were made by B.North & Sons, Thomas Glenister Ltd., Castle Bros. (all firms in High Wycombe) and Waring & Gillow. The blue velvet coverings were made at Listers Mills in Bradford, Yorkshire.

After the ceremony those who occupied the chairs and stools had the option to purchase them. Otherwise the Ministry of Works, who were responsible for commissioning all new furnishings for the coronation, put them up for auction to regain some of the costs of staging the coronation. Some of the Royal chairs were taken to Buckingham Palace.

Coronation flowers

There were no floral displays within the Abbey itself, only in the annexe area. These were designed by Constance Spry, who flew in exotic blooms from Commonwealth countries, including a rare Malay orchid. On the drive to the Abbey the Queen carried the coronation bouquet, made up by Martin Longman. This white bouquet comprised orchids and lily of the valley from England, stephanotis from Scotland, carnations from Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man with additional orchids from Wales (this was not carried into the Abbey).

Play performed

While the special stands were still in place a play entitled Out of the Whirlwind by Christopher Hassall, was performed on weekday evenings from 10th June until 3rd July, in aid of the Westminster Abbey Appeal Fund.

Portrait of Elizabeth II

In 2013 the Abbey acquired an oil painting of Elizabeth II in her State dress and robe standing on the Cosmati pavement in the Abbey, by Ralph Heimans. This is on display in the new Queen's Diamond Jubilee Galleries. A postcard is sold in the shop.

Silver Jubilee flower arrangement

On the occasion of Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee in 1977, the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS) placed a dried flower arrangement in a glass container beneath a stone in the east cloister, near the Chapter House. A small stone with a green lozenge and flower design marks the place.

Golden Jubilee fountain in College Garden

The Dean and Chapter commissioned a water jet fountain in College Garden in 2002 to mark the Golden Jubilee and a small rose garden was set up.

Coronation anniversary chamber organ

To mark the 60th anniversary of the Coronation in 2013 a new pipe organ was commissioned from Mander Organs for use in the Lady Chapel, notably for weddings as well as for use at other services held there. Presented by the Lord Mayor of London and the City of London Corporation. It has some surprise features such as nightingales which pop out of the top of the case and revolve and thunder pedals.

90th birthday flowers

On the occasion of the Sovereign's official 90th birthday in June 2016 NAFAS flower arrangers set up a display outside St Margaret's church. (The thanksgiving service for this occasion took place at St Paul's Cathedral).

Further reading for the coronation

The full text of the 1953 Coronation service

Music played at the Coronation (PDF, 14KB)

Musicians who took part in the 1953 coronation (PDF, 484 KB)

The Royal Family website

DVD "A Queen is Crowned", colour film of the coronation narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier

DVD "Happy and Glorious. The Royal Wedding 1947 and Coronation 1953 from original newsreels"

CD "Music from the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II" with the Westminster Abbey choir (available from the Shop)

"The Queen's Coronation. The inside story" by James Wilkinson (2011)

"Elizabeth crowned Queen. The pictorial record of the Coronation" (various contributors), Octopus Publishing, 2006

"Coronation June 2 1953" by Conrad Frost, 1978

"When the Queen was Crowned" by Brian Barker, 1976

"The best of both worlds- a life of Sir William McKie" by Howard Hollis, 1990 (Sir William was in charge of the music at both the wedding and the coronation.)

The scores for Zadok the Priest and Parry's I was Glad orchestrated by Gordon Jacob for the ceremony are in the Abbey Library (MS.64 and 65)

"The year that made the day. How the BBC planned...coronation day broadcasts", issued by the British Broadcasting Corporation

"The Coronation and the BBC – guide to the sound and television broadcasting", issued by the BBC

"Coronation. A history of kingship and the British Monarchy" by Sir Roy Strong, 2005

"Music and ceremonial at British coronations from James I to Elizabeth II, by Matthias Range, 2012

"Queen Elizabeth and her Church: royal service at Westminster Abbey" by John Hall, 2012

"The Royal Encyclopedia" edited by R. Allison & S. Riddell, 1991

Elizabeth II: The Steadfast by Douglas Hurd

English Monarchs

Order of Service for A Service to mark the Fiftieth Anniversary of The Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Monday 2nd June 2003

Order of Service for A Service to Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of The Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Tuesday 4th June 2013


21st April 1926


2nd June 1953


20th November 1947

Elizabeth II wearing a maroon jacket, pink floral blouse and maroon hat decorated with pink flowers
Queen Elizabeth II arriving for the Commonwealth Service 2018

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Exterior of annexe built outside Westminster Abbey for the 1953 coronation, decorated with the Royal coat of arms
Coronation 1953, special annexe built at the west front

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Annexe outside Westminster Abbey for the 1953 coronation decorated with the Queen's beasts
Coronation 1953 - Queen's beasts models on annexe

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

The Coronation Chair set out in Westminster Abbey for the 1953 coronation
Coronation 1953 setting, showing the raised throne and Coronation Chair

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Seating and balconies erected in Westminster Abbey for the 1953 coronation
Coronation 1953 - the theatre, looking north

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Replicas of the ampulla and crowns used in the coronation of 1953
Replica regalia

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Blue cope with lion and unicorn embroidery worn at the coronation of Elizabeth II
1953 coronation cope

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Elizabeth II
Duke of Edinburgh's small carved head on the tower

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Circular fountain with a central spout in College Garden, Westminster Abbey
Fountain in College Garden

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Elizabeth II and The Duke of Edinburgh view Westminster Abbey's wedding register following their Diamond wedding service
Elizabeth II and Philip, Duke of Edinburgh at their Diamond wedding service

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Elizabeth II wearing her red Order of the Bath robes, a tiara and white gloves
Queen Elizabeth II wearing her tiara, after an Order of the Bath service

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Elizabeth II
Royal Maundy service 2011

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Painting of Elizabeth II standing in her coronation robes in Westminster Abbey
Portrait of Elizabeth II by Ralph Heimans

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

Small pipe organ of red wood with gold pipes and decorated carving
Chamber organ

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster

The Queen's Window by David Hockney, a colourful stained glass window showing a country scene
The Queen's window by David Hockney

This image can be purchased from Westminster Abbey Library

Image © 2024 Dean and Chapter of Westminster